Consider This

I can’t think of a single person who hasn’t been exposed to what has been termed “the woke generation”. A number of years ago it was called “politically correct”; yet they’re both cut from the same cloth. The bottom line is people are flip-flopping in their public professions. For example, a few years ago it was all the rage to talk about defunding the police in response to what was perceived as police brutality; and many politicians and entertainment personalities and sports figures, as well as multitudes of citizens ascribed to this. That is, until the crime rate soared. Since then it seems to be more popular, especially among some of those same politicians, to talk about supporting law and order. Of course that’s far from the only issue; but they all stem from the same attempt to appeal to whatever is the sentiment at any given time. God, however, requires His believers to stand true and unwavering to Him regardless of popularity.